Map of online communities

XKCD has released an updated version of the 2007 internet “map”. It’s quite funny and interesting for someone interested in this type of data visualisation even if this is a more artistic representation of data. XKCD Online communities map You can find the large map here and the 2007 version here.For those who like more colors check the nmap favicon map.

October 16, 2010 · len

Blogosfera v2.0

\function getParam(name) { var index = document.URL.indexOf('?'); var params = new Array(); if ( index != -1 ) { var nameValuePairs=document.URL.substring(index+1,document.URL.length).split('&'); for ( var i=0; i<nameValuePairs.length; i++ ) { nameVal = nameValuePairs[i].split('='); params[nameVal[0]] = nameVal[1]; } } return unescape(params[name]); } var flashvars = { nodeId: getParam(“nodeId”), splash: “Incarc date despre 5000 bloguri\ncâteva momente…”, aboutURL: “"}; var params = { wmode: “opaque”}; var attributes = {}; swfobject.embedSWF(“", “hartaBlogosferei”, “590”, “590”, “9....

September 3, 2008 · len