Reverse GPX track

This is a simple script which reverses the direction of a gps track stored in a gpx file: <pre lang="bash">#!/bin/bash gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f $1 -x transform,rte=trk,del -o gpx -F 1.$1 gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f 1.$1 -x reverse -o gpx -F 2.$1 gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f 2.$1 -x transform,trk=rte,del -o gpx -F rev.$1 rm 1.$1 2.$1 will generate a rev.file.gpx from file.gpx Comments: Gon - Apr 5, 2015 However the timestamps will be now in a wrong time order… It would be cool to be able to maintain the time gaps between trackpoints together with the start/end times....

June 2, 2011 · len