Spinach lasagna

Last Friday I went to the market and bought some spinach. It took me some time to clean it and wash it so I ended in the night with the cleaned spinach and a lot of snacks already eaten in the process. I decided just to boil it and find some usage for it on the weekend. And so the lasagna idea was born. Spinach lasagna Ingredients 1kg fresh spinach (around 500g of cleaned spinach) minced meat 300g 2 carrots 2 scallions 1 large onion 6 large mushrooms tomato sauce cheese 1 egg lasagna sheets of pasta Method clean the spinach very well from dirt and keep only the leaves then add it for a few minutes in boiling water drain the spinach but keep part of the liquid (2 cups)....

March 11, 2010 · len

Fusilli cu sos cu carne si busuioc

O reteta foarte simpla ca sa profit de busuiocul de pe terasa inainte sa vina frigul rau: Fusilli cu sos cu carne si busuioc Ingrediente fusilli 200g carne tocata 4 rosii 1 morcov 1/2 ceapa, 1 catel usturoi busuioc proaspat Metoda se fierb pastele se caleste ceapa si apoi se prajeste carnea se adauga rosiile maruntite si morcovul ras, sare si piper se lasa sa scada si apoi se adauga usturoiul si busuiocul maruntit si se mai amesteca pentru 1,2 minute....

October 12, 2009 · len

Paste cu fructe de mare

De pofta dupa ce am vazut reteta asta am refacut o reteta mai veche: paste cu fructe de mare. Fusilli with fruits de mer Comments: remi - Oct 1, 2011 Asta e tare :) imi place

October 8, 2009 · len