The smartphone holiday

Going on trip, one of the questions I asked myself is: should I pack a laptop, a gps, a camera? Now a new question: can a smartphone replace all these gadgets on a trip? The answer, based on my experience with my HTC Desire, Android based phone, is: yes, it can replace a laptop and a gps device on a city trip, but… Let me explain what I mean while I wait for my plane....

April 4, 2011 · len

The ritualistic life

As I was sitting on a bench today in centre Athens waiting for the 8:30 meeting eager as usually to finish work thus ending up to early I could not notice the pattern of people going to work. It’s the flow of shirts, suits and ties which each morning go to their jobs. It’s the coffee can in all their hands which got my attention. Everywhere I went I have seen the same ritualistic behavior....

June 15, 2007 · len mar.01

Working at

March 19, 2006 · len