2 short tricks on ubuntu linux (9.04 Jaunty):

Install a .ttf font

#create a fonts dir
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/truetype/myfonts
#copy the font
sudo cp myFont.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/myfonts
#update fonts cache
fc-cache -fv

Note: if you are using an application don’t expect the fonts to be refreshed dynamically, just restart it.

Create a cisco vpn connection

apt-get install vpnc

Create a /etc/vpnc/myvpn.conf. If you want to convert an existing .pcf file check this article.

IPSec ID xxx
IPSec gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
IPSec secret xxxxxxxx

IKE Authmode psk

Xauth username xxxxx
Xauth password xxxxx

Start the vpn:

sudo vpnc myvpn

I encountered a strange issue. On the first try I got a:

vpnc: no response from target

but if I try again the connection gets established ok.