This is more of a fuss as I wanted to connect to my Sony Ericsson T630 phone over infrared, hopefully at some point I will be able to use it’s modem for GPRS access.

Activate the ir (COM2 – /dev/ttyS1) in bios

Install the irda-utils and openobex packages

apt-get install irda-utils obexfs obexftp openobex-apps

Load the needed kernel modules

modprobe irda modprobe ircomm modprobe ircomm-tty modproble irtty-sir

edit /etc/modules and add


such that the modules will be loaded automatically next time you boot.

Test with obex_test:

obex_test -iUsing IrDA transportOBEX Interactive test client/server.> cConnect OK!Version: 0x10. Flags: 0x00>

Test with obex_ftp

obexftp -iv -lConnecting...doneReceiving "(null)"... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--Generated by XML Coder.xml_coder.c (Jun 29 2004 21:44:28)(C) 2001 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Lund, Sweden--><folder-listing version="1.0"><folder name="Pictures"/><folder name="Sounds"/><folder name="Themes"/></folder-listing>



terces -

Yep, I have the same problem, obex_test tries to connect over TCP and then I get “Transport connect error! (TCP)”

terces -

Problem solved. Had to activate irda in my BIOS.

a casual visitor -

use GPRS Easy Connect (gprsec) to use the phone as a modem…

joel -

Thanks for putting up this tutorial!

I ran into a curious problem – perhaps you can suggest a solution…

$ sudo /etc/init.d/irda-utils restart
Stopping IrDA service: irattach.
Starting IrDA service: irattach.
$ obex_test -i
Using TCP transport
OBEX Interactive test client/server.
> c
Transport connect error! (TCP)

Any idea why it tries to connect over TCP even with the -i flag?