After spending loosing time in vain trying to convert kml files containing the gx:Track format to gpx files for my gps and finally writing my own tool for doing that I realized I have done quite a lot of small scripts for gps data manipulation and decided to push them on github. I started with 2 and as I will clean the others I will push them also.

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A set of python scripts to manipulate GPS data

Removes TimeStamp information from .kml files. More precisely, it removes gx:TimeStamp and //kml:Placemark/kml:TimeStamp elements. Modifies the document in place. file.kml

Converts kml gx:Track to old style LineString elements. This is required because not even gpsbabel can convert the gx:Track elements to gpx for instance resulting in data loss. Conversion is done in place. file.kml