Roasted pork leg with potatoes

Roasted pork leg with potatoes (RO: ciolan la cuptor cu cartofi prajiti) is a common Romanian recipe. The pork leg can be found in butchery shops and it quite cheap. It is usually sold with skin and cut in 2 (one part contains more meat and one part more bone). If cooked properly it’s a delicious, lick your fingers, dish since the gelatinous part is melted and becomes sweet. Roasted porc leg with potatoes...

January 31, 2011 · len

Potatoes musaka

Potatoes musaka (musaca de cartofi) is a greek inspired recipe, with arabic roots. I was thinking about the recipe a few days ago so finding it on Amalia’s site decided me to do it. Here is the english version with some small differences, I only take credit for the photos :) Musaca de cartofi Ingredients potatoes about 1 kg so that they are enough for 2 layers 1/2 kg minced meat....

January 26, 2009 · len

Bean with sausages

(Almost)home made smoked sausages are usually available only during the winter holidays when most dishes are pork based and the people prepare the sausages by them self. There is no comparison with the commercial versions and I really enjoy when I find some sausages of this type in the winter markets. This is just one of the dishes which can use these highly flavored sausages. They also come in many varieties: pork with basil, pork with sheep, sheep with beef, more or less smoked, etc....

January 7, 2009 · len

Friptura de porc la cuptor

O reteta de iarna tocmai buna pentru masa de craciun: Friptura de porc la cuptor Ingrediente 1 kg de muschi/file de porc complet dezghetat putina slanina putina carne afumata condimente: usturoi, cimbru, piper, coriandru garnitura: cartofi sau ciuperci Metoda carnea se curata foarte bine si se impaneaza cu slanina, carne afumata si usturoi se presara cu condimente (sarea eu o pun la sfarsit) cartofii se amesteca cu cimbru, sare, piper coriandru si putin ulei se pun la cuptor pentru 20 – 30 minute sau pana carnea devine foarte moale si alba (se testeaza cu o furculita care trebuie sa intre usor)....

December 28, 2008 · len

Chiftelute, chiftelute

Gandindu-ma la ceva bun azi am ajuns de la imaginea/gustul retetei chinezesti de porc cu sos caramel la mai multe idei (1, 2) pe care le-am combinat. Chiftelute, chiftelute Ingrediente carne tocata (am folosit cam 500g de carne tocata de porc si vita) 1 ceapa putina paine (miezul de la o felie uscata) sau 2 linguri pesmet baza de orez fiert cu sare si cuisoare sau cous cous mirodenii pentru carne: patrunjel, sare, piper, coriandru 1 ou bulion, morcov mirodenii pentru sos: cardamon, piper, coriandru, ardei iute (chilli pepper) susan pentru experiment de chiftelute Metoda am taiat ceapa mic de tot intr-un bol am amestecat carnea cu jumatate din ceapa taiata, painea inmuiata cu apa si stoarsa pesmet, oul, patrunjelul bine taiat am facut niste bilute din amestec cam de 2 cm in diametru (cam cat o nuca) pe care le-am prajit in ulei o parte din bilute le-am dat prin susan inainte sa le prajesc restul de ceapa si morcovul ras l-am calit cu putin ulei adaugand pe urma mirodeniile si bulionul....

March 2, 2008 · len