With the opening of a fresh fish shop nearby I could not resist trying every type of fish so here is a recipe adapted for some nile perch fillets.

Perch fish with basil pesto and tomatoes Perch fish with basil pesto and tomatoes


  • fish fillets
  • fresh basil leaves from the terrace
  • lemon juice
  • dried chillies
  • garlic gloves
  • tomatoes (1 small tomato per fillet)
  • parsley (optional)
  • olive oil


  • blend together the basil leaves (a fistful), lemon juice (half a lemon), olive oil (3-4 tbs), garlic gloves (2), parsley (just bit), dried chillies (to taste), salt, pepper to make a stronger than usual pesto.
  • thinly cut the tomato
  • on an aluminum foil add half of the tomato slices to approximate the size of the fillet then sprinkle with salt
  • spread the pesto evenly on the fillet on both sides the put the fillet on top of the tomatoes
  • add the rest of the tomatoes on top, salt them and then close the aluminum foil
  • let it cook in the oven (preheated for 5 mins) for 15 mins on a low setting
  • unpack taking care to preserve the wonderful sauce
  • enjoy

Romana: salau de nil cu pesto de busuioc si rosii


Cristian Ion -

O zi minunata iti doresc

tigerfish -

Great! A fish shop for you to get daily or regular fish fillets and try a variety.

Vlad -

Nu ne dai si adresa magazinului de peste?

len -

Sigur, sunt 3 surse de peste pe care le-am gasit: la metro (aduc de cateva ori pe saptamana) dar mi-e un pic peste mana sa merg, o pescarie in spatele pietei 1 mai unde aduc marfa de la metro :) si noua pescarie de la Mega Image de pe Mihalache (nu fostul La Fourmi) unde sursa e diferita si sunt alte feluri de peste decat la metro.