As usually I eat much less from the sea than I’d wish for so any fish or seafood recipe is a delight for me.

Seafood salad Seafood salad


  • I used a bag of frosted seafood for this recipe. Finding fresh ones is more than complicated here in Bucharest.
  • 3 fresh tomatoes
  • a bit of of bacon
  • parsley, salt, pepper, 1 small onion, fresh ginger (grown in a pot :)
  • a bit of olive oil


  • boil the seafood for 10 mins
  • cut the onion and ginger and start browning in olive oil
  • add the seafood and bacon
  • add the tomatoes cut in small pieces
  • stir for 5-1o mins, add the parsley and stir for a few more minutes
  • don’t over soften the tomatoes
  • serve with white sweet wine
  • enjoy


Mihai -

si eu sunt topit dupa vietatile marine - sugestie: calamari proaspeti pe grătar ( cel pe gaz l-am folosit eu ) cu lamaie

len -

Tocmai vroiam sa te intreb unde ai gasit calamari proaspeti dar uitandu-ma la ip-ul tau am inteles :)