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May 20, 2010 · len

Winter cabbage

It’s almost winter now and the vegetables market reflects that feeling. The piles of cabbage felt appealing to me and I decided on a cabbage winter dish recipe (also in romanian). Winter cabbage Ingredients 1 kg of cabbage. It’s still very soft at this time. Don’t forget that the cabbage will shrink greatly. a bit of smoked meat thyme, salt, pepper corn flour for the polenta Method cut the cabbage in thin slices, put it in a large bowl and rub with 2-3 tbs of salt let it rest for 30 mins then drain the water which remains in the bowl....

November 14, 2009 · len

Friptura de porc la cuptor

O reteta de iarna tocmai buna pentru masa de craciun: Friptura de porc la cuptor Ingrediente 1 kg de muschi/file de porc complet dezghetat putina slanina putina carne afumata condimente: usturoi, cimbru, piper, coriandru garnitura: cartofi sau ciuperci Metoda carnea se curata foarte bine si se impaneaza cu slanina, carne afumata si usturoi se presara cu condimente (sarea eu o pun la sfarsit) cartofii se amesteca cu cimbru, sare, piper coriandru si putin ulei se pun la cuptor pentru 20 – 30 minute sau pana carnea devine foarte moale si alba (se testeaza cu o furculita care trebuie sa intre usor)....

December 28, 2008 · len

Varza calita de iarna

In piata a venit iarna. Ma invarteam cu tristete printre tarabe cautand inspiratie cand am dat cu ochii de varza (see recipe in english). Cumva o rotita s-a invartit si asa mi-a venit ideea sa fac varza calita in acelasi fel ca vinetele de urgenta in tigaia de teflon pe foc mic, mic. Varza calita (photo updated 2009-11-13) Ingrediente o varza 1/2 ardei iute uscat carne de porc (optional) mirodenii: piper, foi de dafin, cibru Metoda se taie varza fasiute, se amesteca cu sare si se lasa 30 minute sa se inmoaie....

December 10, 2008 · len

New potatoes recipe

Ro: mancare de cartofi noi Mancare de cartofi noi Ingredients 1 kg new potatoes 1 bundle of fresh dill 1 bundle of green onion 50g of butter Preparation wash the potatoes very very well. If they are too big then you need to peel them otherwise just scratch and clean the crust. Cut them if they are larger than 3x3x3 cm cut the onion melt the butter and start browning the onion on a low flame add the potatoes wait a bit and then add just enough water to cover them increase the flame and boil until there is only one 1 cm of liquid cut and add the dill, season with salt and pepper enjoy

April 5, 2008 · len

Baked eggplants and marrows

This a delicious way to cook your vegetables in the oven with little effort. Just cut and cook wait. I’ve tried using eggplants, marrows, potatoes, cucumbers but let your inspiration (or your fridge stock) fly. It can be served hot or cold for a summer day. Vegetable stew (photo updated 14-jul-2010) Ro: vinete si dovlecei la cuptor Ingredients 2 green medium size marrows (squash) 2 eggplants 1 green pepper 4 small potatoes 3-4 tomatoes 1/2 onion olive oil 3-4 tbs optional: bay leaves, fresh thyme Preparation Peal the eggplants and cut them in small pieces (choose the shape you like best) Peal the marrows and cut them in small pieces....

September 2, 2007 · len

Chicken with preserved lemons and couscous

Mancare marocana de lamai murate cu couscous. Updated: 2011-10-01 2008-02-20 with some new photos for this dish which I now prepare on a regular basis. Ever since I returned from a few days trip to Morocco I have tried to reproduce a dish which I liked a lot there: chicken with preserved lemons. I had several unsuccessful tries with fresh lemons but the result was too sour. So in order to prepare this dish I required preserved lemons....

May 8, 2007 · len