Traditionally the Romanian Easter table should have at least: red eggs, lamb “drob”, cozonaci and roasted lamb.

Red eggs Easter red eggs

This year I decided instead of roasting the lamb to make a lamb stew and it proved to be a very good choice. I have to surely retry this another time. It’s inspired by the french beef or chicken stew which take a few good hours to slowly cook until the meat fells off from the bones. Add red wine, spices and vegetables and you get a warming dish.

Lamb stew Lamb stew


  • I used about half of a very small lamb except some meat I’ve set aside for another idea I have (lamb curry), around 1.5 kg of meat on bones (ribs, legs, etc.)
  • 2-3 large potatoes, 2-3 carrots, 6-7 large mushrooms
  • 2 cups of red wine
  • parsley
  • spices: bay leafs, cardamom, salt & pepper, 3-4 scallions (green onions)


  • Cut and brown the scallions in a 2-3 tbs of oil. I’ve used a large non-sticking pot which can hold 4-5 liters of water and can go into the oven
  • add the meat and cover with wine and water (1/2 ratio), bay leafs, cardamon, salt & pepper
  • cook in the oven for 1h
  • add the vegetables cut in small cubes and cook for another 2h
  • serve with finely chopped parsley and red wine
  • Paste fericit!